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Free UK-wide service which provides extra advice and support, including when there’s an interruption to your electricity, gas or water supply

EDF Priority Services Register – Helpful Information - Numbers

As winter weather is affecting the UK, if you have not already done so this is a good time to consider registering for extra advice and support, including when there could be interruptions to your electricity, gas or water supply.

The Priority Services Register (PSR) is free to join. It helps utility companies, including energy suppliers, electricity, gas and water networks, to look after customers who have extra communication, access or safety needs. It helps tailor services to support households who need extra help in the event of a power cut, gas or water supply interruption.

Your energy supplier (the company that provides your electricity and gas) and your network operator (the company responsible for the pipes and wires that carry electricity and gas) will both keep a Priority Services Register.

To find out who these organisations are in your area please visit www.thepsr.co.uk and enter your postcode. Your electricity and gas suppliers will be shown; you just need to click the sign up button there to join their PSR. Electricity companies are, where possible, sharing PSR information with water companies, so you can get vital help and support from them too if there's a break in your water supply.

Please also consider helping others to join the PSR, for example, elderly relatives, friends or neighbours, people with serious medical conditions, or people who may struggle with the internet.

Who can join

You can ask to join your supplier or network operator’s Priority Services Register if you:

·  have reached state pension age

·  are pregnant, or have young children

·  struggle with speaking or reading English.

You can also join if you’re living with a disability or a long-term medical condition, including:

·  mental health conditions

·  conditions affecting your sight, hearing or sense of smell

·  conditions that mean you need to use medical equipment that requires a power supply.

Help is also available if your circumstances have recently changed, for example if you:

·  are recovering from an injury, or need support after a stay in hospital

·  have been bereaved

·  have lost your job.

What help is available?

Joining the Priority Services Register means you’ll be able to get a range of extra help when you need it. This could be all the time, or for a short period due to something that’s happened in your life. Some of the help you can get includes:

·  priority support in an emergency

·  wherever possible, advanced notice of scheduled power cuts

·  an identification and password scheme if someone needs to visit or contact you, helping you feel confident they are genuine 

·  the ability to nominate someone to receive communications and bills from your supplier, for example a family member, carer or someone you trust

·  the chance to move your prepayment meter if you can’t safely get to it to top up

·  regular meter reading services

·  account info and bills in large print or braille

·  assistance reconnecting your gas supply, if you need it.

What help should I expect from being on the Priority Services Register during a power cut?

·  A priority number that you can call 24 hours a day

·  Text and voice message alerts, letting you know when they are aware of a large power cut in your area

·  Tailored support if needed such as home visits, hot meals, advice and keeping your friends and relatives updated

·  Where possible, text and voice messages when severe weather is expected, to help you prepare

·  In certain scenarios they may also offer a free hotel overnight and transport to the hotel

·  For complex power cuts their community welfare teams provide on-site support which includes hot drinks, hot meals, a Wi-Fi connection and charge points.

Additional information can be found at UK Power Cut? Call 105 For Free | Find Your Electricity Provider and Join your supplier’s Priority Services Register | Ofgem

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Derek Pratt MBE
(NWN, MSA, Sussex)

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