Neighbourhood Watch
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The Month of Community just keeps giving

Hello Resident


Are you enjoying the Month of Community, celebrating volunteers, Neighbourhood Watch Week, reducing isolation and loneliness, the Big Lunch and much much more?  We've been celebrating too and recently had our Big Lunch in the office!


We are delighted to announce that Patlock are offering Neighbourhood Watch members an exclusive additional 12% discount, to celebrate the Month of Community, taking the price down to £37.40! 


Click here to access this exclusive discount!


This discount is only available to Neighbourhood Watch members from Monday 24th– Sunday 30th June, with a maximum order of 3 Patlock's per customer.


Don’t miss out on this exclusive deal!


All the best


From the Central Support Team at Neighbourhood Watch Network

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Message Sent By
Cheryl Spruce
(NWN, Head of Membership & Community Engagement, England and Wales)

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